Tuesday, June 2, 2015

9 days to go til our abseil

Please donate at www.justgiving.com/mpsabseil
I am counting down to our abseil by telling you about our life with MPS. 
Another of the symptoms of MPS is skeletal deformity.
Corey was born by emergency C Section as he was breech and my waters broke at 37 weeks. He was born with a perfectly 'normal' shaped head! When he was 5 months old and what seemed to happen, literally overnight, he developed ridges above his ears. (Star Trek fans - remember the ferengi?)
He had a skull xray (this was before a diagnosis of MPS) and the report said that it was due to his head being in my pelvis pre-natally! His head was never 'down' throughout the whole pregnancy.
If more doctors were aware of the signs and symptoms of MPS then treatment could be started sooner. This is why we raise awareness - because one day it WILL lead to a cure.

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