Tuesday, June 2, 2015

4 days to go

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Corey, his brain and school. 
MPS affects the brain and can cause mental delay. Despite Corey's treatment MPS is still progressive and degenerative - this means that skills he has learnt throughout his life, in the future he may lose those skills and regress.
Doctors tell me that the MRI scans of Corey's brain look like a 'typical Hurler' brain, I was also once told that a typical brain looks like lots of ridges where as an MPS brain is more smooth.
Corey is the youngest boy in his year and is currently working at an age appropriate level in year 2.
Corey has a Statement of Special Educational Needs. He has 1:1 help in the classroom and at playtimes to keep him safe and to help his learning. Corey finds it hard to retain lots of information and needs it repeating many times.
We attend regular meetings with the school to set targets for Corey and review his progress.

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