Tuesday, June 2, 2015

17 days to go!

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), another symptom of MPS.
The carpal tunnel is a narrow passage in the wrist where the nerves run through to your hands. CTS is caused where the nerves are compressed. In MPS it is due to a build up of GAGs which the enzyme should break down, but that enzyme is what Corey was born without. Symptoms of CTS are pins and needles in the fingers and pain in the hands/wrist, usually worse at night.
Corey has had a nerve conduction studies done, where they pass an electric current down the finger and it shows on a computer that he had moderate CTS.
Treatment is surgery - where they make an incision in the wrist, scrape away whatever's there to make more room in the 'tunnel' for the nerve to move freely and stop the pain. 
No banging it, leaning on it or getting it wet for a couple of weeks then they'll remove the bandage and have Physio. 
Corey has now had both hands 'released' but even now if he falls and lands on his hands it hurts where his scar is on his right hand, particularly in the cold weather. This is when you'll see me with hand warmers for him!
As always you can donate at www.justgiving.com/mpsabseil Thank you to everyone for your generosity and willingness to learn about MPS

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